Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 2

  • Jump Rope 5 x 50
  • Lunges 3 x 8-10
  • Push-ups 3 x 5-8
  • Leg-ups 3 x 8-10

Today was something different. My usual Tuesday & Thursday eating habits consist of going hungry for most of the day, as im pretty much in class or driving from 8 am to 9 pm. There are a few little places to eat, and i eat as much as possible in those little periods.

I ate today ofcourse, and only half of the normal amount, only a little less since i've decided to cut out eating any chocolate or espresso drinks right from the start (which is probably where most of my calories were coming from). I also forgot the trail mix today, which was a bummer. So, on the whole, i was pretty hungry, but looking back on it i think most of this is mental. I didn't suffer any major loss of energy or have any problems doing the exercises, so, if i can keep my moral up or keep distracted, i wont concentrate on being hungry.

In actuality, i don't miss my bi-weekly mocha or daily portion of chocolate, but rather, its the moment i miss. I used to think about this when i ate chocolate back in the day (you know, like 3 days ago), about how chocolate in and of itself isn't really all that great. It's just the high it gives you, that two-headed caffeine-sugar rush that leaves that particular 20 mins or so feeling complete. Well, so much for all that.

Tomorrow should be good, its my one-time day off of work and school. So, i'll be able to do my exercises when i like, eat at regular times, and get plenty of sleep!


  1. Good for you for already cutting out chocolate! I like what you said about hunger. Looking at it as mainly a mental thing does help!

  2. Nothing like a Mocha. Especially on a cold East Coast day like this.
