Sunday, May 30, 2010

Final Post

Wow. This has been an extraordinary experience. In the last ninety days, i've worked out profusely, and jumped some mad rope every day, not to mention the amount of chicken, and chicken eggs i've consumed ( i really owe something to that species). I've listened to countless podcasts (mostly "Stuff You Should Know") and seen the dark beginnings of a lot of early mornings.

I've been waiting to do this project since i saw Patrick's project completed. And now i've finally achieved something i really set myself out to do. This is one of only a few things i can really say that about in my life. Or at least that have any meaning.

I learned a lot about myself, and what i'm capable of, especially under long-term pressure. I chose to do my project in a sort of cross-roads point in my life, and it has helped me out quite a bit.

I've learned a great deal about the human body, and how to take care of it properly (in terms of exercise and diet). But more importantly, i actually DID the things that i learned, which to me, is at least twice as important as learning them.

I've developed a lot more respect for people who are "In-Shape". I now know how much pain and discipline it takes to get to that level of fitness.

I've learned to eat. Where to eat, how to eat, and what i want to eat.

After splurging a little once my final workout was done, and with each indulgence, i've learned that most added sugars, juices, and all-processed crap is just not worth eating. Not worth the money, or the time, or the harmful effects on the body. But a good piece of chocolate never really gets old, just nurse the thing and don't eat it all at once.

Overall, i'm really glad i've done this for myself. I've opened the door one jump at a time to the rest of my life. To being a better martial artist, brother, friend, student, teacher, and someday, parent and grandparent (Insha'allah). I've laid the foundation to the wellness of myself and others.

Thank you Patrick and Chen, for excellent guidance. Thank you, Renfield, Abby, Watson, Brian, (and Pam), for the awesome team work. Go Team Go!.

A special thanks to Amineh, who cooked for me at least once a week, grocery shopped with me, kept me on track with my diet as a whole, took my pictures, provided a lot of moral and existential support, who put up with my bad attitude at times, encouraged me to do more 8MA, and who leveled up my materia for me while i wrote this post ;)

Also to my grandma who taught me how to cook chicken in various ways, and who cooked lunch when times were getting rough.

A thanks to my friends and family, who provided a lot of support and encouragement, and late night talks. You know who you are.

And finally, thank you Donn F. Draeger, for being totally awesome, providing great encouragement to me throughout my project, and for writing a plethora of very good books.
Thank you Michael Pollan, for also writing a lot of good books. Thank you Josh Clark and Charles W. Bryant, for the many late night podcasts that kept me awake and sane.

Thank you readers.

This has been a great climb, and i highly recommend the view. I look forward to continuing my exercises and jump roping a few days and for the long term. Good luck to all my group members in their post-pcp lives, and to all the new-comers working their way to the top.

May you all become strong and well

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 89

Whew. That was one intense workout. A good project-ender, a little something to remember it by.
I stretched before hand, but in that second super-set my arms and neck were starting to cramp up.
Luckily, just slowing down fixed it. But damn that thing was a beast. I sort of feel proud of myself for that. (er, i mean Confident-in-my-ability-to-express-myself-on-my-environment)

Received Watson's gift today, so i had something to add a little PCP flavor to tonight's workout.
Very nice, Watson, thank you. It made my day.

Seriously, just tomorrow, and that's it?! Almost done? It's a little hard to believe, and i think it's going to take some getting used to after everything is done. Unfortunately i probably won't be able to post tomorrow, and if i do, it won't be my "final post", so be sure to stay tuned till Sunday.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 88

Apparently Indra couldn't decide on what the weather should be today, and neither have i.

My last day of school today. Like the weather, it shifted from slightly sunny to lightning bolts, and back again. It was good to see my friends and teachers one last time. I hope for many that it's not the last. Spent some of my day in limbo, some in discourse, and some in conversation.
Almost no studying, and of course my Latin and History finals, respectively.

And now i'm home. I'm going to take a shower, stretch, and get to the workout.

Best of luck on your day 88's.

Day 87

Saw a picture of my back for the first time today. Amineh's been trying to tell me all along, and finally took this picture to prove it to me.

Damn. It's been a couple of days since my last post.
I'm alive, and still on the wagon, as it were. Though to be honest, a lot of times i wish i weren't.
Now more than most other times of the project. I really can't wait for a day without jump ropes.

Now i know i should be happier and feel more unobstructed, "as if a great burden has been lifted," but i don't really feel that way. And if there is one thing i've learned about myself, it's that working out and eating right don't make me any more of a happier person. In fact, if anything i've had more encounters with a more emotional side of myself than before.
But, this is one of the best parts of it for me. It's sort of a way of burning the impurities out, and it's not exactly a pretty process.

"The sword is for cutting the foolishness out of hearts, not the hearts out of fools"


Finals are going well, and tomorrow will be the end of them. Looking forward to a break in the homework train, but not so much to working more days out of the week. Things are going pretty well.

Amineh has kept me on track with the diet portion. I don't think i would have had the inclination (or the time) to actually eat my allotted portions of protein...or dinner.

I've also made a habit of doing 8 min. Abs every day. Which has helped out a lot.

..Aaand that's really about it for now. Until next time.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 81

Whew. Finals week is next week.

And it's been a pretty busy week in preparation. What was that phrase again? Grim and optimistic? I think that would characterize this point in my journey. Both in school and the project.

I spent 9 hours (mostly consecutive) of Wednesday working on a bunch of history homework i put off till the last minute, though i got some 8 min abs and the jumproping in first thing after i woke up.

Patrick said our diets these last two weeks would be closer to "normal" levels, but i'm still having trouble eating all of that protein, especially at breakfast and dinner.

I'm optimistic on the whole, and have been thinking about all of the things i've done, enjoyed, and learned this semester - which is quite a bit, even before i mention the PCP. Lots of good conversations with teachers and friends, lots of new music and books, and plenty of notes ( i have an almost religious reverence for notes and the act of notetaking)

And over it all looms the sweet promise of Summer, days without school and without the project - which will be ending in the same week. Don't get me wrong, im enjoying myself, and working hard (though i'd like to be working harder), but a big part of me has got a serious case of longing. What do they call it? Senioritis? -- I try and push it out of my mind, but it really is a good thing that i'm starting to think beyond next week, yeah?

A great deal of uncertainty clouds my Summer, but i feel i can go confidently at least, whichever way i go, knowing that i will have achieved something that really took a lot of effort and work and commitment. I know a lot more about myself now, and will know more by the end of next week. So, it's a good thing.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 76 - Indulgence III

Mocha, Frozen yogurt (with fruit), and Sushi

A long awaited Indulgence!

And 1000 calories is a lot of food, let me tell you. By the time 600 or so calories rolled around i caught myself thinking "do i have to?" and then i thought that i'll sort of regret it if i don't.

So, this indulgence i knew for certain i wanted a mocha. It's the only thing that i used to drink all of the time, that i haven't had in an indulgence yet. We went to the Peet's Coffee near Amineh's house, and i decided to opt out of the whip cream option just out of principle. 2% Milk, and iced.

Yogurt was a pretty successful first indulgence, and i decided to honor it with a second go. I got considerably more this time, and piled on the raspberry flavored mochi cubes. That stuff is delicious. No taro flavored yogurt this time, so i got a swirl of chocolate and irish mint. Which turned out pretty decently.

The sushi was long awaited. I've had better sushi ofcourse, but absence makes the heart grow fonder. Or is it, absence makes the taste grow stronger? Either way, it was some pretty tasty business and well worth it.

Most surprising out of this indulgence was that there was no backlash. Nothing kicked back, and i didn't have a sugar rush worth a mention. We did do a lot of walking today though, and especially after our eating, which, i believe helped to mitigate the effects.

So, all in all, today went well. Tasty indulgence, a strong workout, and plenty of rest (finally).

Night y'all.

Post Scriptum: Congratulations Kathleen for getting a elected President of your Student Body for next year, and for getting to meet the Speaker of the House! I'm very prou-ahem--Confident in your ability to assert yourself on your environment.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 73


A pretty fruitful day. Went and got my blood test and physical done, as well as a teeth cleaning at the dentist. I'm trying to get as much out of my dad's insurance before i enter the great uninsured gap, which, for a Comparative Religions major, may be a very long one.

I cleaned my living quarters and got some laundry done, went shopping and got my paycheck.

...but didn't get any homework done.

This is one of those things that always seems to happen. Whether i intend it or not. And at the end of the day, all i feel is the mounting guilt of failure.

I can, however, still manage to enjoy my day. I'm still happy i can see my floor. And tomorrow is a new day right?

Hope your day was productive AND you enjoyed it.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 71

Sprouting Onion

Today was pretty great.

Got into Sacramento pretty late last night, but luckily got enough sleep today. Tomorrow might be a nightmare, but today was good.

Amineh and I took my mom and sister out to breakfast for Mother's Day, where i ate my morning snack. Shortly after my sister came with us to the Natural Foods Co-op, where we initiated her in the long tradition of taking one of every flier/handout that they offer your first time, and by having her drink some Kefir for the first time.

I bought a small basil, and along with the Rosemary i was given at school this semester, i intent to try my hand at keeping plants alive for an extended period of time --- My track record isn't great. But, there's always new beginnings eh?

So.. that next week of workouts looks pretty brutal. I mean, i'm optimistic, but damn.
Also, i'm going to have to set up my own chicken coup in the back yard if i'm going to be eating eight eggs a day... or just buy them by the flat. But even after all this egg-eating, i still love them.
Chicken breast on the other hand, is something i'm going to lay off of for the rest of the year after my project is done.

Alright, time for pcp sleep.

Oh, yeah and "Happy Mother's Day, Mom and Grandma"
"Felix Dies Matris! Mater et Avia"

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 68

I woke up today knowing i was out of my valley. And since then it's been a good day. I got straight to work and things went pretty smoothly.

Work did one of those things where it looks like it's going to be a day from hell, but it actually turns out alright.

Got in some 8 min abs, which i don't do nearly often enough.
The rest of today's workout was good, though my body has been rejecting Planks the last couple of times. I get through them, but they kick my ass. The Elevated push-ups were a nice change.

Alright, short post and time for sleep.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 65 - 66

This will be a pretty tight week for me, so i guess in terms of challenges i'm not quite out of the valley yet.

At this point i'm mostly afraid that i'm not really working hard enough. I catch myself stalling before a workout, resisting and taking a bad attitude when i finally get to it.

Granted, my workouts are typically too late at night, and a great deal of my problems stem from my not doing the workout while the sun is up. And i was thinking the other day that, despite my work, and how i look and feel, i don't really feel any stronger, and i'm not any stronger against my sparring partners. I worry a lot that i must be doing something wrong, or not well enough. That i could fail my project somehow, and especially because of some inability to tough it out, or work hard enough.

But, when it comes down to it, this is all just a bunch of complaining. I know i can't take my worries too seriously, and in the end, i can't give up. I just have to remember to not let it get to me too much.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 60 - 64

Mmmm, delicious breakfast. Pictured above: Chicken, Asparagus, Sunflower greens, whole grain Tortillas, and Oatmeal. Best of all, i didn't have to cook it or measure it myself!

So, these last four days have been more of a rebound from a string of ("horrible, no good, very bad") days.

My iPod came back to life, which is always a fortunate thing to see happen to expensive machinery, (and old friends! ...wait). And in general affairs are looking like they'll be back in order shortly.

Made it to Sacramento alive this week, and took a journey to the Natural Foods Co-op there, which, if you've never been to one, is like a small Mecca for eating well. I took the opportunity to stock up on oatmeal and brown rice. Also, sought out some Renfield-inspired Pumpernickel.

Exercises were going alright. Tough, and longer than they probably should be, but i'm working on it. Seeing some progress in Kung-fu Sit-ups, though i never expected to. But still, much like pull-ups, those beyond 1.5 sets are just jumps and futile attempts. Planks seemed particularly hard last time as well. But, so much the better!

Well, that's all for now anyways.

Oh yeah, Day 64 is up --->

Be strong everyone.