Thursday, May 20, 2010

Day 81

Whew. Finals week is next week.

And it's been a pretty busy week in preparation. What was that phrase again? Grim and optimistic? I think that would characterize this point in my journey. Both in school and the project.

I spent 9 hours (mostly consecutive) of Wednesday working on a bunch of history homework i put off till the last minute, though i got some 8 min abs and the jumproping in first thing after i woke up.

Patrick said our diets these last two weeks would be closer to "normal" levels, but i'm still having trouble eating all of that protein, especially at breakfast and dinner.

I'm optimistic on the whole, and have been thinking about all of the things i've done, enjoyed, and learned this semester - which is quite a bit, even before i mention the PCP. Lots of good conversations with teachers and friends, lots of new music and books, and plenty of notes ( i have an almost religious reverence for notes and the act of notetaking)

And over it all looms the sweet promise of Summer, days without school and without the project - which will be ending in the same week. Don't get me wrong, im enjoying myself, and working hard (though i'd like to be working harder), but a big part of me has got a serious case of longing. What do they call it? Senioritis? -- I try and push it out of my mind, but it really is a good thing that i'm starting to think beyond next week, yeah?

A great deal of uncertainty clouds my Summer, but i feel i can go confidently at least, whichever way i go, knowing that i will have achieved something that really took a lot of effort and work and commitment. I know a lot more about myself now, and will know more by the end of next week. So, it's a good thing.


  1. There it is! Giving yourself a smidge of credit at last! <3

  2. You're doing great man. Almost there!

  3. It's all about balance; don't stress about doing too much/too little of something, just try to put everything back into balance!

  4. It's not the destination but the journey that counts.
