Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 71

Sprouting Onion

Today was pretty great.

Got into Sacramento pretty late last night, but luckily got enough sleep today. Tomorrow might be a nightmare, but today was good.

Amineh and I took my mom and sister out to breakfast for Mother's Day, where i ate my morning snack. Shortly after my sister came with us to the Natural Foods Co-op, where we initiated her in the long tradition of taking one of every flier/handout that they offer your first time, and by having her drink some Kefir for the first time.

I bought a small basil, and along with the Rosemary i was given at school this semester, i intent to try my hand at keeping plants alive for an extended period of time --- My track record isn't great. But, there's always new beginnings eh?

So.. that next week of workouts looks pretty brutal. I mean, i'm optimistic, but damn.
Also, i'm going to have to set up my own chicken coup in the back yard if i'm going to be eating eight eggs a day... or just buy them by the flat. But even after all this egg-eating, i still love them.
Chicken breast on the other hand, is something i'm going to lay off of for the rest of the year after my project is done.

Alright, time for pcp sleep.

Oh, yeah and "Happy Mother's Day, Mom and Grandma"
"Felix Dies Matris! Mater et Avia"


  1. Great stuff man. This is exactly the attitude you need for the next few weeks. Optimistically grim!

  2. I've killed every plant I've ever owned. Never tried growing onions though.

  3. I wonder how many chickens it takes to supply 6 eggs a day? 6? I actually have no idea...don't think I can raise chickens in my Tokyo apartment either, but it's a great idea!

  4. I feel kind of ashamed of how long that onion has been in my kitchen... I neglected it for all those fancy newfangled spring onions! Oh, the shaaaaaaaame. I guess I really had better try to plant it... don't want it to go to waste. <3! Keep it up, you're amazing!
