Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 15 - Ides Martiae

Well, a decreased diet plan is certainly welcome in my book. I find i have to tell myself at lunch and dinner "eat through the pain!" and wonder if my jaw muscles are going to be in peak condition by the end of this. But the whole thing has a good side - it's making me buy a lot less prepared meals, as in, no prepared meals, which is saving me a lot of money. "I don't need to buy my vegetables from the man, i can prepare them myself!" i guess my next step on the scale of revolution is to grow the stuff myself, which come to think of it, is at least partially possible. And really, it's not that i couldn't have prepared them myself all along, i just never did. So funny that there are such illusory barriers between what we currently do, and what we can do. People just tend to get stuck following their own tracks.

Right, so here i am, having just finished dinner at the ripe hour of 12:18 am, for some reason i can't quite get it to click on work days, when i have to drive from Sacramento. I should have woken up with the sun. Luckily it's spring break, so i have tomorrow off to sleep a decent amount, and set things back into rhythm. At least in theory.

I tried lentils today, which, i am a little ashamed to say that, with the exception of lentil soup, i had never eaten. But i can at least say that today is the beginning of what will be a long friendship between Lens culinaris and me.

Oddly enough, rice is one of the things i really know how to cook, ( i used to make short-grained sticky rice all the time) but i haven't cooked any since i started the project. Perhaps i'll dig that old bamboo basket out and make some portable, pliable carbs.

Alright, i'd better get going on my exercises. Time to burn it up.

Oh yeah, and Happy Ides of March everyone. Pour out some of your drink for the God of War yeah? Yeah.. me neither.

Valete (be strong)


  1. yeah KRATOS pw0wns I LOVE THAT GAME it's got BOOBS! What? There's another god of war? Is it, like, on Xbox?

  2. haha, yeah, thats the future of humanity. Someday they'll be digging those xbox games up and wondering if it wasn't those things we were worshiping.
