Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 13

Well things have been going well on the cooking front. With some help from my grandmother, i've managed to get quite a bit of fish in me. Finally, some tasty meals. I used to be not so excited to eat fish, but I've developed a new found appreciation for it.

My little sister came up this week. She stuck around while i was doing my exercises, counted my jump ropes and read poetry to me. (not to mention acting as "assistant" in my new cooking endeavors) For the most part so far, i've been doing my exercises alone, and usually at the threshold between the days, and it was really nice to have some company for once.

I'm in Sacramento now, and tomorrow i set out for Trader Joe's and the Farmers' Market (huzzah). This is a great event in selection compared to the odds and ends available in thriving downtown Willows.

Anyways, i'm greatly looking forward to this Spring Break. Much more time to focus on peak condition, read and catch up with school, spend time with loved ones, and maybe even time to play that version of Final Fantasy III in Latin.


  1. Jeeze what a white-picket-fence PCP post! You're living the DREAM man!

  2. Fish is tasty. I'm glad you're getting to know it! Go crazy at the Farmer's Market!

  3. Dude, can I borrow your grandma?

  4. wow your little sister must be the coolest thing ever :)

  5. haha, i'd be happy to loan her to you. She also provides hypnotherapy, past life regressions, water painting, and much much more!
