Monday, March 29, 2010


I can't jump rope any alternate way to save my life. It may have something to do with my not being able to skip either. No really, i've tried, ...many times.
But i guess there is still a little bit of hope left, as i actually pulled off one of those cross over jumps. It's just the jumping normal after that part that trips me up. Even after so many jumps, i don't really have a good sense of timing, or any leg coordination when it comes to jumping rope, so, i'm looking forward to working all the kinks out and "gettin' me land legs"


  1. At this point, I'm not into doing "tricks" either. Just the straight jumps and a tad bit of slalom do me just fine.

  2. Keep trying a trick now and then, they're quite good for coordination and breaking the monotony.

  3. Yea
    Kepp tring the tricks. I do a little single leg sometimes. I also find trying to go really fast is fun and forces me to focus.

    Go team Go!
