Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 42

Got my ropes in early before breakfast, but the rest of the day was pretty lazy. That is to say, i played FF7 all day (besides a few errands). My foot, i am happy to say is getting much better, and i'm back to walking and jumping normally.. what a relief.

Food highlight of the day: Salmon burgers. Very tasty.

Alright, until tomorrow.


  1. What system are you playing FF7 on?

  2. Salmon anything I love. Good show, man!

  3. actually, i went out and bought an old play station 1, so i'm really in the spirit i guess, i hear there is a way to emulate it, but i haven't looked into it.

  4. Damn homie, you're kicking it old school. I hacked my PSP to play it. Turned it on, and remembered what PS1 graphics looked like, then turned it off.

  5. haha, yeah, everything is octagonal and jagged. But i've never actually beaten it, so im still excited to play it. Xenogears is next on the list.

  6. sometimes what they sacrifice in octagonal graphics, they make up for in a richer and more inteliigent storyline... i won't say all older games are better... but i am biased.
